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Karen Grenier

Unlocking Spiritual Freedom

I don’t know about you, but I always feel emotional, yet energized when I watch eagles soar above the treetops.

Whether they are flying in lazy circles high in the sky or are diving with talons outstretched into the river for their dinner, I envy their spiritual freedom.

Soaring Eagle Flying Free

They know who they are, what they need to survive and how to enjoy life. But, for us as humans, it is a much more difficult journey to obtain our spiritual freedom.

In our world, we emphasize external freedoms whether they be political, social or economic.

Even spiritual freedom has multiple meanings; the freedom to choose our religion or spiritual path, the New Testament tells us that “you will know the truth and it will set you free” and various rules which need to be applied to our lives by different world religions.

I believe that at its core, spiritual freedom is a state of being which pushes aside the ego and reaches out for connection to a higher consciousness.

It’s about being our authentic self, knowing what we stand for, holding on to our integrity, living a joyous life full of love and empowering ourselves to live our divine purpose.


Finding the path to spiritual freedom does not mean the same for everyone.

There is no map that shows one definitive way, but I like to think of it as a treasure hunt with everyone rejoicing at each prize they find along the way.

Here are several methods that might help you along your journey...

Healing Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are those ideas rooted deep within us which hold us back such as fears,

believing we’re not good enough, and confining ourselves to living small.

They typically start early in our lives from things that happened with our parents, something a teacher might have told us, other kids in school or simply comparing ourselves to other people around us.

I personally am not a fan of the term “letting go.”

How does one let something go?

Do we forget about it?

Sweep it under the rug?

Letting go is different from surrendering and I will get into that later.

It is imperative to heal the traumas of our past that have created our limiting beliefs. If we do not, they are simply being pushed down, but their effect is still there even if it is buried deep within the subconscious. If we heal the limiting beliefs, then we can transform them into positive affirmations, but not before. There are several different modalities which can help you heal your limiting beliefs such as hypnotherapy, energy work, EFT, etc.

Live in the Present Moment

Spiritual Freedom is about living in the now, being mindful of the present moment which is the only way in which we can live our best life. Ruminating on the past will not change it. Worrying about the future only causes stress and anxiety.

There are different ways to learn to live in the present moment; meditation, yoga, tai chi, chi gong, journaling, walks in nature, prayer, etc.

Surrender From Attachments

Surrender comes in many forms.

We’ve all heard the quote “Let go and let God.”

We as humans cannot control the outcome of illnesses, war, who loves us and who doesn’t, and many other desires that we stress about.

All we can do is pray about the situation and know that Spirit has already taken care of the situation.

If the outcome is not what we want, even if it is a horrible experience, it is a chance to learn whatever lesson we were meant to experience and to grow as a human.

If the outcome meets our desires, then it is a blessing.

When we surrender the outcome to the Universe, we find ourselves enjoying a sense of peace and freedom.

Embracing Our Authentic Self

Our journey to Spiritual Freedom would be incomplete if we didn’t experience the wonder of self-discovery.

To get into the deep well of finding our authentic self is a blog post in itself, so I will be brief.

It is our pursuit of our true nature which is our alignment with our higher self and the divine.

We find our authentic self through meditation, reflection, introspection and for most of us, it is a long and difficult journey.

We must heal the need to conform to society’s expectations and to embrace our uniqueness with courage and vulnerability.


Spiritual Freedom is not a destination, but a journey of the soul and some of the road markers of this journey are the reduction of limiting beliefs, living in the present moment, feeling the connection to the Divine, love/compassion/forgiveness of others, living a life of integrity and inner peace, embracing our authentic self and out intuition, enjoying our purpose and living a life of joy and contentment.

Even though the quest can be long, with many twists and turns and plot changes; Spiritual Freedom is a significant aspect of what it means to be human.

My wish for you is to embrace your right of Spiritual Freedom and to be able to raise that flag within your soul that rejoices that you are Free and you are proud to be a card carrying member of the Source/Universe!

By: Karen Grenier

July 24, 2024

Path of the cosmos

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