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Our Sacred Ministries

The Foundation Of CSL Boise

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Our Musical Artists

Our talented guest musicians bring soul-stirring melodies and heartfelt lyrics to our services and events. Support them by visiting their websites and purchasing their music. Let their unique styles and harmonious vibrations enhance your spiritual experience. Your support fuels their creativity and spreads love through their music. Explore their discography and embrace the transformative power of their songs. 


Thank you for supporting the music that uplifts our souls.

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Rex Miller

Phil Bowden

Ted McClurg


Guest Appearances

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David Moss

Michelle Bass

Becky Boranzo

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Annie Cornely
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Blaine Moody

Annie Cornely

Blaze & Kelly

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Andy Byron

Jen Potcher

Bob Josephson

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Sandra Cavanaugh


Why We're Here

As a spiritual community, we are dedicated to creating an environment where we recognize, honor and celebrate God, the Love intelligence within all life.  We awaken through prayer, meditation, study and revelation to our spiritual Truth; that we are one with God.  We embody this not only as a theory, but as a way of being in our everyday lives.  Through New Thought/Ancient Wisdom teachings, and a complete dependence on unconditional Love as a guiding power, our aim is nothing short of the total acceptance of the joy, abundance and freedom that is the Truth of our very being.

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